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Holding Hands

Service Information

Initial Assessment

Making the decision to go to therapy is big and might make you feel nervous to start. Our team understands this challenge and prioritizes your comfort. Your first session with your provider will take approximately one hour. During this time your provider will gather a deep understanding of the difficulties you are facing. Then, you will work together to create a treatment plan that focuses on evidence based interventions.

Insurance and Payment

Our mission is to make treatment available and accessible to all. We have providers who an array of health insurance plans, including Medicaid. Please see our network page to see which provider takes your insurance. If we do not have someone who can meet your financial or treatment needs, we will do our best to help you find the best fit for you. 

Office and Telehealth

Many of our providers are available to meet both in office and online. The providers in The Village Provider Alliance are located throughout Wichita. Please inquire with your provider for more information.

Independent Practitioner Statement

* The Village ICT is an administrative support office and does not oversee the clinical practice of providers. Each provider is an independent practitioner and solely responsible for the implementation of their clinical practices and decision making. Please refer to the individual provider for information about their independent practice.

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