Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you're a client, loved one, or curious visitor, we are happy you're here. Below are some of the frequently asked questions. Have something more specific? Send us an email at information@thevillageict.com or click the button below.
What is the population you serve?
The Village specializes in perinatal mental health as well as eating disorders. All of our providers have extensive training in either perinatal mental health, eating disorders or both. Every provider who is in our alliance administers individual services but can work with partners or families on a case by case basis.
What is The Village Provider Alliance?
The Village currently functions as a provider alliance made up of a variety of professions that are rooted in the specialities of perinatal mental health and/or eating disorder treatment. We are not a group practice and all of our providers are independently licensed. The Village connects clients to providers within the alliance and beyond based on a multitude of factors including insurance, availability, location, need, and more. If you are a provider who is interested in joining The Village Provider Alliance, please inquire here.
Where are you located?
Each provider at The Village is independently licensed and we all work throughout the Wichita area. Please visit our alliance page to check your provider's location.
I want to start services, what do I need to know?
First, that is an important step and we're so excited for you! To schedule an appointment, you can contact us through the website, via email, or over the phone. If there is a specific provider you are interested in seeing, you can email them directly or specify when you reach out to the office. Typically, we can get you in within 2-3 weeks after you reach out, schedule depending. After your session is scheduled, you will receive onboarding paperwork. Each provider has a different policy on the paperwork completion. Please refer to their policies for the most accurate information. Services can be very structured for scheduling or very flexible. We try to accommodate to your schedule and needs as best as we can.
Do I have to see all of my providers through The Village?
Nope! We work with any providers as long as their is an up to date Release of Information. Although we do work very well as an alliance, we understand that each client differs in who is best fit for them, regardless of if the provider work with The Village.
Do you take insurance?
The providers with The Village take a variety of insurance plans and we are happy to check your benefits once we have received that information. For the most accurate reflection of your insurance, we also highly recommend that you check your benefits as well. This makes the billing process more transparent and efficient for everyone. To correctly bill sessions, we need the information to any active policy you are on. If you do not have insurance, we also offer self-pay options.
I need to reschedule, how do I know who to contact?
Please contact your provider directly to reschedule any sessions. You can find their contact information on our alliance page.
I was not directly referred to you, can I still be seen?
Absolutely! The referral system we have is fantastic but not a prerequisite to receiving services. If you have been referred or not, we are happy to be a part of your journey.
Do you offer telehealth options?
We do! Please specify if you are wanting telehealth sessions when scheduling which you prefer. To make sure your telehealth sessions are effective, please consider the reliability of wifi or cell service. We also ask to remain as confidential and private as you can during sessions by being in a secluded, low noise, area if possible.
Can I bring my baby to session?
We are a baby welcome organization! We also want to make sure you're receiving the most quality care possible. In order to do that, we encourage clients to schedule according to what would help them be the most present (during the baby's nap time so they can nap during session, bring a bottle or snack if their baby gets hungry, etc).